My name is DavidJWard-I have been a successful ShipwreckSalvageCaptain in the area of Freeport-TX for more than
40 years-I am fully experienced in flotation systems and trash pumps-I also have the reputation of having the cleanest bilges
around-I will pickup for salvage and clean large motoryachts for 5000.00 and up-large sailboats start at 7500.00 and
up-small shrimpboats start at 8000.00 and up-large gulf shrimpers start at 10000.00 and up-skiboats and small sailboats start
at 500.00 and up-your insurance should cover salvage and towing fees-cleaning services include-deck-wheelhouse-cabins-below
decks-and bilges-you are required to sign a written contract-which I can provide upon demand-copyright by CaptDavidJWard-Jan15-2000-you
are expected to provide security for the vessel-I am not responsible for damages incurred before or after salvage and towing
operations. The rates shown are for dockside recovery only-CaptainDavidJWard contact me at also see my sites at and at and at